Our partners at Torquemeters Ltd have just launched a new company website.
In addition to providing information on the company’s well-known products, such as the CD and ET phase-shift torquemeters, the phase boxes and the bespoke test stands, the new site gives an in-depth explanation of the Van Millingen Number, which Torquemeters uses to determine the complexity of a drive train.
The Van Millingen Number is a unique rating developed by the company’s founder many years ago to quantify the complexity of rotating equipment. It is calculated by the formula N√P, that is, the speed (N) in rpm multiplied by the square root of the power (P) in kW. While anything over one million N√P would normally be considered highly challenging, Torquemeters has made bespoke systems that run up to four million N√P – and the company is always looking for the next challenge.
If you would like to learn more about the company and the products they offer, check out the new website at http://www.torquemeters.co.uk.