We just shipped the latest in a series of new 813 Read Outs by Torquemeters Ltd to one of our long-time customers who uses it with an ET series test bed torquemeter.
Since the mid-1980s, when we delivered our first CD and ET torquemeters, we have been supplying the original 610 Read Out series with all our projects. Over time, and due to new developments and customer requirements, the 610 series became outdated, and a next-generation replacement became necessary.
After an extensive engineering phase, Torquemeters introduced the new 800 series, which consists of several different models and complies with the latest regulations of the industries in which we are active. The 810 signal processor is the heart of the 800 family. It accurately measures and analyses the Torquetronic™ signals at a sample rate of 10 kHz.
The 810 LCD displays power, speed, torque and temperature. The measurements are also available as four analogue outputs or digitally via MODBUS protocol over Ethernet, RS485 or USB. The 816 packages the 810 signal processor in an Exe industrial stainless-steel enclosure. Certified for installation in Zone 2 or Div 2 environments, it includes Zener barriers and can retransmit the measurements as four analogue safe outputs for connection to the Torquetronic™ torquemeter.