Last week, we joined a number of our customers to attend TWI’s fourth annual Additive Manufacturing Symposium at its main facility in Cambridge (UK). The symposium was attended by over 100 attendees from a range of industries, such as aerospace, marine, oil & gas and Formula 1 teams.
During the course of the day, presenters spoke about machine capabilities, raw materials (powder/wire), NDT challenges and various processes. GKN Aerospace and Weir UK gave an overview of their experiences with AM so far as well as the challenges they faced and the ways in which they were overcome.
There were various clear calls from the market, indicating the strong need for partnerships to tackle challenges together and to pursue other topics, such as the automation of Additive Manufacturing.
For more information or questions about the various AM methods, such as WAAM, SLM, EBM, LMD and Cold Spray, contact us or have a look at the newly launched TWI website